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Fallen is a collection of short stories, of various genres and story-lines.



"I was in love with him ever since we'd met. But now he had to move on. Now, I was just another one of the Fallen.”



As Rain begins attending the Maine-land Academy, the darkness following her is evident. She has a shadow, for crying out loud! Terrance Bird, the only heir to the Maine-land throne, notices the eeriness but is somehow lost in captivation by her existence. What will happen when the Kursed Bastion surrounding Ash-land shatters, revealing the exiled Kreatures of the darkness? Will Terrance be able to forgive her, or will the lies still overpower the innocent truth?

Pandora's Sky - unpublished


That's right. I do happen to be just another girl with a major crush on the school's hottest boy. Call me pathetic, but I blame my over-obsessive teen-hormones for my state. Hey! Don't walk away just yet... Not until you hear what makes my story a LOT more interesting than the others. So, in case I give away too much, I'm just gonna give you a brief idea of what I'm talking about.A bad-boy, a nerd, and something along the lines of crime and punishment for the sake of unrequited love and desperation.

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